(please scroll down for Romanian version)
Pure souls ... I can start like this because that's the way it is. When you think of these people this image is formed. These young people do not have the feeling of malice.
This is how I can describe Bianca, the young woman on the spectrum from our center. A soul that struggles with life both inside and out. A continuous struggle with mental disability and the diagnosis of internal organs, but also a cruel struggle with daily life. A young woman to whom life has stolen by a parent.
We can only imagine what it's like to go through the death of your mother in front of your eyes. Mother, the one person who loves you unconditionally, accepts and fights for you every day without rest. The person who cares for our good continuously. The guardian angel.
Once you lost your mother the world created by her disappears, changes, falls apart and the hardships of everyday life appear with an overwhelming impact.
This has been happening to Bianca for over 7 years. Her calm and quiet world has changed completely. The impact in her life is probably 10 times higher than it would be for a typical typical person.
But life did not stop at giving her just this blow, in addition, her father is an alcoholic. A parent who can't take care of his own life either. A man you can't rely on both physically and mentally. However, the state offered his father the status of legal guardian of Bianca.
Fortunately, her godmother takes care of her like her own child with the minimum possibilities she has. Having a large family with children who have reached adulthood, who also have children. A large family that included our young woman.
Now, after the short description of this young woman, I would like you to be able to imagine what difficulties have appeared on the shoulders of a pure, beautiful and pure soul. A girl whose disability has not stopped her from fighting, hoping and imagining that her life will become calm, calm and happy again. A world in which her sincere smile will not disappear, a home in which she will be able to live decently.
Living decently nowadays means a house, a car, a state-of-the-art smartphone, holidays and some money in your bank account to buy the things you think you need. But for our young woman, living decently means having a home in which to be accepted, understood, loved and cared for. And this Residential Center will be this home for Bianca and for many other young people in this situation.
Help us build this very first Romanian Residential Centre for children with a disability. We can’t do it on our own. Donate! Whatever you can: money, knowledge, expertise, time, a good word.
Thank you!
To support the construction of the residential center you can help us with a donation using the following links:
https://www.iforchildren.org/donate (international)
https://www.copiiidecristal.ro/doneaza (Romania)
And find more details here on how can you get involved in the "What if you were me?" autism awareness campaign.
==versiune in romana
Suflete pure...eu pot incepe asa deoarece asa este. Cand te gandesti la aceste persoane aceasta imagine ti se formeaza. Acesti tineri nu au sentimentul de rautate.
Asa o pot descrie si pe Bianca, tanara centrului nostru. Un suflet care se lupta cu viata atat din interior cat si din exterior. O lupta continua cu dizabilitatea mentala si diagnosticul organelor interne, dar si o lupta crunta cu viata de zi cu zi.
O tanara careia viata i-a furat un parinte.
Nu putem decat sa ne imaginam cum e sa treci prin decesul mamei in fata ochilor. Mama, singura persoana care te iubeste, accepta si lupta pentru tine in fiecare zi fara odihna. Omul care se ingrijeste de binele nostru continuu. Ingerul pazitor.
Odata pierduta mama din ”peisaj” lumea creata de aceasta, unde exista numai bine, dispare, se schimba, se destrama si greautatile vietii de zi cu zi isi fac aparitia cu un impact covarsitor.
Acest lucru se intampla cu Bianca de mai bine de 7 ani. Lumea ei calma si linistita s-a schimbat total. Impact care este poate de 10 ori mai mare decat la persoanele tipice.
Insa viata nu s-a oprit in a-i oferi doar aceasta lovitura, in plus, tatal acesteia este un alcoolic. Un parinte care nu isi poate purta grija nici de propria viata. Un om pe care nu te poti baza atat fizic cat si mental. Cu toate acestea statul i-a oferit tatalui statutul de reprezentant legal al Biancai.
Din fericire, nașa ei, o ingrijeste ca pe propriul copil cu posibilitatile minime pe care si aceasta le are. Avand o familie mare cu copii ajunsi la maturitate, care au si ei la randul lor copii. O familie numeroasa care au inclus-o si pe tanara noastra.
Acum, dupa mica descriere a acestei tinere, mi-ar placea sa va puteti imagina ce greutati au aparut pe umerii unui suflet pur, frumos si curat. O fata pe care dizabilitatea nu a oprit-o sa lupte, sa spere si sa isi imagineze ca viata ei va redeveni linistita, calma si fericita. O lume in care zambetul ei sincer nu va disparea, un camin in care ea va putea trai decent.
A trai decent in zilele noastre inseamna casa, masina, telefon de ultima generatie, plimbari, excursii si un ban in cont cu care iti poti cumpara lucrurile de care crezi ca ai nevoie. Insa pentru tanara noastra, a trai decent inseamna a avea un camin in care sa fie acceptata, inteleasa, iubita si ingrijita. Iar acest Centru Rezidential va fi acest camin pentru Bianca si pentru multi alti tineri in aceasta situatie.
Ajută-ne să răspândim vestea! Campania de conștientizare #sidacaaifieu este online, pe rețelele noastre sociale.
Ajutați-ne să construim chiar acest prim centru rezidențial românesc pentru copiii cu dizabilități. Nu o putem face singuri. Donează! Orice ai putea: bani, cunoștințe, expertiză, timp, un cuvânt bun. Mulțumesc!
Pentru a sprijini construirea centrului rezidențial ne puteți ajuta cu o donație folosind următoarele link-uri:
https: //www.iforchildren.org/donate (internațional)
https://www.copiiidecristal.ro/doneaza (România)
Și găsiți mai multe detalii aici despre cum te poți implica în „Si dacă ai fi eu?” campanie de conștientizare a autismului.