FOR Children Foundation, Copiii de Cristal Foundation, and Romanian actress Oana Pellea joined forces to raise awareness about AutismSpectrum Disorder in Romania through the #WhatIfYouWereMe campaign.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a range of conditions characterized by some degree of impaired social behavior, communication and language, and a narrow range of interests and activities that are both unique to the individual and carried out repetitively.
In 2017, there were more than 30.000 children and young adults diagnosed with ASD in Romania.
· Limited awareness of and resources for early ASD detection and therapy.
· Limited legislation supports to foster access to specialized education and protect these young adults once their caregivers are unable.
· The limited number of specialized therapy centers and qualified personnel.
Together, we aim at creating awareness nationwide inRomania on Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) and fight discrimination through inclusion.
Our goals are to provide access to specialized education, social integration, and self-reliance for an independent life.
We are running an ASD awareness campaign to raise funds to support the construction of the FIRST residential center in Romania,dedicated to young adults with severe autism spectrum disorder symptoms.
The collaboration includes Oana Pellea lending her voice to the cause of children and young people on the autistic spectrum.
As a first introduction, Oana visited the group of young adults, met with the personnel, and with the founder of Copiii de Cristal, Gabriela Plopeanu.
To bring awareness and empathy to the daily life of people on the spectrum, Oana Pellea, FOR Children, and Copiii de Cristal will launch a challenge that will help typical people understand the everyday struggles and sensory overload a person on the spectrum faces.
On the 25 of October, our collaboration will culminate in a live stream event that will include an inspirational talk with Q&A at the end. The talk will touch topics such as embracing our diversity, the strengths of being different and using our innate empathy to connect during the phenomenon of a global pandemic. Tickets for the live event are available on Chipta and
As of 29th of September we are happy to announce that we will have Mihai Cãlin as a moderator for the virtual event from the 25th of October. Mihai Calin is a long time supporter of the ASD awareness cause.
More information about the live event can be found on our Facebook event page, Oana Pellea: Despre Autism si Empatie.
About FOR Children
Founded in 2007, FOR Children is an international volunteer-run foundation based in The Netherlands. We focus on the education and healthy development of children from low-income families and young adults with special needs.
Since 2011, FOR Children has supported our RomanianNGO partners with in-kind donations and EUR +200,000 raised from 2 grants and individual donations.
Insta @iforchildren
YouTube: FOR Children
About Copiii de Cristal:
The “Crystal Children” Association was established in2006, in Brașov, by a group of parents of children with autism and other associated disorders, to give their children the chance to benefit from support services and specialized therapy, which, unfortunately, lack from the public assistance guaranteed by the Romanian state.
Currently, Copiii de Cristal is offering therapy services to 42 children and 12 young adults.
Insta: @copiiidecristal
YouTube: Copiiide Cristal
About Oana Pellea:
Oana Pellea is a well-known and loved Romanian actress and author. Her ability to inhabit a wide range of characters and emotions has won her numerous accolades for her theatre and film work.
Besides her career on stage Oana Pellea is has dedicated her time and voice to support several causes that have a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of children with cancer or other health conditions.
Insta: @oana_pellea
Youtube: OanaPellea Official
Book: Jurnal2003 - 2009